An introduction into the Orofacial-Cervical Complex

FREE - Warming up for the 5th CRAFTA CONGRESS

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5th Internat. CRAFTA® Congress ́24 SCHEDULE

SCHEDULE - Update October 5th 2023

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Pre-Conference course in Deutscher Sprache

Aktueller Stand der orofazialen Dysfunktion und Schmerzen

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5th Internat. CRAFTA® Congress ́24

Advances in TMD & Orofacial pain - physical therapy meets dentistry

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THE CRAFTA® Clinical Assessment (CCA)

NEW! "CRAFTA Clinical Assessment” as part of your way to the CRAFTA certification! See the recent information here.

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News Flash for the CRAFTA®-Congress in Hamburg

Blitz-Newsletter zum CRAFTA®-Kongress in Hamburg

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